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Tuesday February 27, 2024


Hello Tuesday morning. Warm again today with a high of 74 with some light rain in Nashville. Yesterday it was like summer time here. It confused my lawn as I’m seeing patches of green.



I had a double header writing wise that started at my publishing company Billy Blue with Kristen Bearfield and Tim McGraw’s guitar player Bob Minner. Kristen and I have written several songs together but it was our first time writing with Bob who such a gifted guitarist. 



Kristen is going to host a cable TV show called “The Singing News” in a few months and she and the network are looking for a theme song for that show.  Kristen wanted to write it as both a theme song and a full song as well that she can release as a single. So that’s what we attempted to do yesterday. Now we’ll wait to see if the folks making the decision like the song. We all feel great about it…hopefully they’ll feel the same.


Bob is getting ready to head to Pennsylvania where Tim McGraw and his band will rehearse their new show going out on tour this year, so we were lucky to get him in the same room with us. It’s always an extra pleasure to write with someone who plays as well as Bob. 

Here’s an example of how good he is.



I was online writing with the bluegrass duo Darin & Brooke Aldridge in North Carolina. They’re new album is rolling out soon and Darin sent me a copy of a song I wrote with Lauren Mascitti and Kristen Bearfield that they put on this new project. To say it knocked my socks off would be a big understatement. 



And we wrote a new song from a wonderful title Brooke came up with that Darin found a great melody to marry to the lyrics we wrote.


So Monday was a long fun day of rhyming with talented folks.



Happy to have a song on this new Celtic album coming out from Clare Cunningham who moved to the states several years ago. When you talk to Clare, she leaves little doubt with her accent as to what to what country she comes from.


Clare, Steve Dean, and I wrote a song about her Irish Father that turned into the song “Irish Dad” that’s on this album. I love Celtic music so I’m really tickled that she not only recorded the song, but I’m also tickled at the production. It came out so good. I’m hoping to be able to share it here soon. But thank you Clare for including our song!



Multiple brands of eye ointments are being recalled due to a risk of infection after federal inspectors found unsterile conditions at the Indian plant where the products were made.


A medical adviser says one should only take power naps. 30 minutes or less. Longer naps puts you at risk for sleep inertia and feeling more groggy and less restful than if you had not taken a nap.


A scientist in Dublin has found a connection between brain fog in long COVID patients and leaky blood vessels in their brains.





I grew up in the country in Missouri…and that means I grew up with ticks. You go out, play in the woods and the outdoors and you come home with those bad boys. Sometimes you don’t know they’re on you. So an expert suggests that you wear light colored clothing. That way, they’re easier to spot…and then remove.


I gotta say, it’s been a long time since I’ve picked a tick. And I don’t miss doing that.



“I wanted to see my 10 year old today so I reset the internet router to bring her out of her lair.”


Might want to steal that if you have kids holed up in their room on their social networks.



 A transparent screen on my computer?  Not sure. Different. Baseball players are wearing transparent uniforms these days. Must be a trend.



There are some “different” kinds of jobs to be had. I used to interview the Edy’s Ice Cream taster on the radio once a year. He’d come by and bring free ice cream so he always had an open door available for my radio show. And his job was to taste ice cream for Edy’s!  How does one get that job?!


They also pay people to be a water slide tester. Just like it sounds. You go down water slides to test them out. Wedgies are a bonus to the salary


And then they pay folks 40-55,000 dollars per year to write fortune cookie sayings. Pretty sure I could have some fun and get some stunned reactions from folks if they’d let me write a few of those.



You could just forget looking for a weird job if your numbers come up in the current Mega Millions lottery. Now worth 600 million!  Somehow the clerk keeps giving me a losing ticket even though I’ve asked nicely that he give me a WINNING ticket. Geez.



Kevin Costner is spending a small fortune to make a new Western “Horizon: An American Saga”. I’m a big Kevin Costner fan. And he does westerns extremely well. This story he’s producing will be split into two movies with the first coming in June, the second part in August. Can’t wait. Here’s a look at the TRAILER that was just released. It looks spectacular.




A Woman From Ireland Loses a Massive Payout in a Disability Case After Winning Tree-Throwing Competition.  She’s a Mom who claimed she had disabling pain  who claimed to have disabling pain from a car wreck. Uh…not so much.



I’m writing with Australian Travis List for the first time today. Travis is married to Kristy Cox who’s recorded several of my songs and he’s a really good traditional country singer so I’m looking forward to seeing what we can come up with him today.



Have a great Tuesday!


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