Wednesday March 5, 2025
It’s another “Hump Day”. 53 for a high today in Nashville with some rain after some high wind that rolled through here yesterday. We’re swerving around tree limbs on the road we live on.
I wrote with two young talented artists at my publishing company. Lauren Mascitti and I write a lot together, and I write quite a bit with Caroline Owens as well. But yesterday was the first time the three of us collaborated on something together.
Lauren brought a cool idea with her and we beat that up for several hours before scheduling another day to try and finish the song up.
Lauren is working on a beach album of all things, and Caroline is getting ready to release a new bluegrass project. She has the number one song on the bluegrass charts right now “The Healing Kind” so the three of us celebrated that a bit yesterday in the writer’s room. And I have a song I wrote with Andrea Pearson that will be on this new album that Caroline played me a bit of yesterday that sounds great.
Fun day with two talented ladies.
Choosing a beach song today from Becky Denton “There Ain’t No Ocean in Missouri.” Both of us are Missourian’s and both of us know it can get really cold in the winter. And there’s snow! So, when I shared that title with Becky she was all about it. We wrote it and she recorded a great version of it. Click the link to listen.
Yesterday in Gulf Shores my funny friend Brent Burns was the Grand Marshall of the Mardis Gras parade riding on a themed float named after our song “Trailer Park Sexy”.
Can you tell he had a good time?
He even got Lucy Buffett (Jimmy’s sister who owns Lulu’s in Gulf Shores) to dress up Trailer Park Sexy.
For a real taste of the craziness click and watch this VIDEO. (You’ll hear how windy it was)
Even the Gulf Shores Fire Truck that was in the parade had one of our song titles displayed…which is also the city of Gulf Shores welcome signs you see in town “Small Town, Big Beach.”
I’m sorry I missed all that fun!
And this just in. The song “Country Faith” recorded by Kristen Leigh Bearfield with gospel great Karen Peck that I wrote with Kristen and Bob Minner is #1 on this gospel-bluegrass chart now for the THIRD week in a row.
What a blessing this song has been. Thank you Kristen for asking me to help write your idea…and thank you to Tim McGraw’s guitar player Bob Minner for providing such a great melody for the lyrics. Woo Hoo!
Early research shows that exercise is protective against brain disease.
The flu season may have peaked according to the CDC. That would be good news.
9 states are now reporting measle cases.
Pretty sure that’s accurate.
Tennessee lawmakers want to make our hot chicken an official state food. I have to admit, I’ve not yet tried it. I’m not big food that makes me want to fan my mouth after chewing on it. But it is quite the deal here in Nashville with lots of hot chicken places to choose from. Hattie B’s has folks lined up outside the door just to get an order in.
It is famous enough that my friend Paul Bogart and I sat down and wrote a fun song with the title of “Hot Chicken”. Here’s the chorus of that “hot” song.
Hot chicken frying in the pan
Hot chicken lick it off your hand
Make ya sweat a little call the fireman
How much hot chicken can you cocka doodle stand
If you do have our HOT chicken, once you have eaten the last bite you may want
to go to Eric Church’s bar “Chiefs” and wash that hot chicken down with the new
Morgan Wallen drink called “The Chair”. Last year the hit singer Morgan Wallen
was partying up on top of the roof at Eric’s club and tossed a chair off the
top of the roof barely missing some cops down on the street. Yep. He got in trouble.
And the club has now bolted all the rooftop chairs to the floor so no tourist
can be tempted to recreate what Morgan did that night.
But enough time has passed now that you can drink “The Chair” complete with a tiny chair garnishment on it.
So there ya go. When you come to Nashville be sure to order the combo Hot Chicken Basket and The Chair.
Ever had TSA take an item away from you at the airport? Couple of times for me. Too big a bottle of shampoo once for me. It had not been opened yet. What happened to my shampoo? They put a lot of those items up for auction on the website GovDeals. There’s a ton of everything up for auction and someone has clean hair because of me.
And a lot of folks are packing new-used pocket knives as they have a LOT of those that were taken at the airport.
A guy was asked in New York, “How rich do you want to be?”
The guy answered, “I want someday to come back as such a rich man that I can go to a Drive-In inside a taxi.” That’s pretty rich.
WalletHub just listed those. We were #6 here in Tennessee. If we can just commit a few more sins here in the Rocky Top state we can hit the Top 5 next year!
The Top 5 right now are Texas, Louisiana, Florida, California, and Nevada is #1.
The LEAST sinful Top 5 states are Wyoming, Utah, Vermont, New Hampshire, and the state of Idaho is the least sinful.
They based it on jealousy, greed, anger, hatred and laziness.
A woman claims that she stopped shopping and now goes dumpster diving instead to get what she needs. And she claims she’s saved over $50,000 doing so. Pretty sure she has a shower at home that has a high- pressure nozzle or two.
Dog Saves Owners Life After Cat Starts Fire. (Never turn your back on a danged cat y’all)
I’m online writing with Darin and Brooke Aldridge this evening.
And I’ll be packing for a road trip to Texas tomorrow morning. I have an all-day drive with Linda Davis and Lang Scott to get to Crockett, Texas where we have a show Friday night at Bear Hall.
And then Saturday we drive to Marshall, Texas for a show at the Performing Arts Center on Saturday night.
Have a great Wednesday!
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