Monday February 24, 2025
And a good Monday morning to you from Panama City, Florida.
Early Saturday morning I jumped in the car and ran to the beach down here on the Redneck Riviera.
One of the nice things about writing songs for Billy Blue Publishing is that they have a company condo and now and then the songwriters and others tied to the company can use it. It's a pretty nice perk as you can see.
The sunsets are golden…the sand is deep and wide…and the beer seems colder somehow.
I’ve been under the weather for too long, so my wife gave her blessing to lie in the sun to see if a little natural Vitamin D might help. We’ll see. I sure miss my girl sitting next to me on the beach but she’s got a busy week concentrating on her book that’s about to be published, and it increases the chance that I won’t infect her with whatever the heck I have.
I’m truly going to try and completely chill out and soak up some sun down here. For me, the beach, the waves, the seagulls are all therapeutic and I relax more on a beach than anywhere else I can think of. Here’s to some warm sun healing.
With all that in mind I’m choosing “Towel on The Beach” that I wrote with Brent Burns that he recorded. All about wanting that girl to jump on a plane and come join him on the beach. He tells her “There’s a towel on the beach with your name on it.” I’ve got one with my wife’s name on it right now.
I did get a haircut on the beach as I was starting to look like Albert Einstein. My wife thinks that’s way too funny for some reason.
I went into a Super Cuts down here on the beach on a Sunday and got what I think might be a military buzz. The guy before me was stationed here in the Air Force and I think they get a lot of military folk. I was done in 5 minutes it seemed and now I look like Private Gomer Pyle. And no…I won’t share that picture or say “well golleeee” either.
I also caught the Bob Dylan movie "A Complete Unknown" Sunday while it was raining and cool down here yesterday. Timothy Chalamet is terrific as Dylan and could very well with the Oscar for that role. And last night he won “Best Actor” for his role in that movie at the SAG Awards which is an early indication of how the Oscars might go on March 2. At the age of just 29, he’s the youngest to win that award.
And I loved Edward Norton in the part of folk singer Pete Seeger as well. Hearing those Dylan songs and watching them be created and performed on stage was pretty great.
There’s a great line in the movie that Johnny Cash said to Dylan, “Track some mud on the carpet” encouraging him to be a rebel and not be afraid to break new ground musically. He did that for sure.
The AGM…The Academy of Gospel Music just released its first round of voting for Bluegrass Album of the Year. I’m proud to see my friends Darin and Brooke Aldridge’s great album “Talk of the Town” on the ballot.
I have 2 songs on this great project “Wildflower Too” which was a significant bluegrass hit that the three of us co-wrote. And the song “Where You’ll Find which they tell me will be their next single that I wrote with Lauren Mascitti and Kristen Bearfield is also on this album. So good luck to us!
You find some nice surprises when you’re surfing around on the World Wide Web. I found Kirstie Kraus singing a little beach tune we wrote several months ago titled “Lime Time”. I had no idea that she had learned the tune and has started singing it at some of her Trop Rock beach shows on or near the beaches. Check the song out by hitting the link above.
Research is showing that a carnivore diet like the one Joe Rogan is on can cause kidney stones.
Some doctors say that marshmallows can suppress a cough or sore throat. Okay, not the kind of marshmallows that you make smores with over a campfire. Marshmallow root extract to be exact. I got all excited when I read that because I’m dealing with a lingering cough. Where the heck do one find marshmallow extract? You dip it in tea, and supposedly you can get relief for 10-20 minutes.
Five years after COVID Americans are split on whether it’s a threat anymore according to a new poll.
Pretty sure that’s happened to me. Sigh.
Orlando is saying they will have flying cars, cars that can hold six passengers, all-electric by the year 2028. They plan on building the first ever Veliport. The cars take off and land vertically…hence the word Veliport.
Would you buy a ticket?
I’ve flown on the Goodyear Blimp once, piloted an ultra-light aircraft once, and I’ve floated in hot air balloons a couple of times. Once on the Burger King Whopper while broadcasting my radio show “live” for WFMS in Indianapolis. Pretty amazing.
I’d buy a ticket to fly for sure.
Border Patrol agents say they are seeing an uptick in egg smuggling on the southern border. (Pretty sure it’s a Grade A conviction that goes on your record if you’re caught)
Monowi, Nebraska is a small town. How small? Population of just 1. And the population has not changed in 2 decades. Elsie Eiler is the lone resident and Mayor of the 1-person town. Elie runs the library AND the bar as well.
I’m going to stop saying that I’m from a small town after hearing about Monowi.
The Betty White Forever Stamp will be available March 27. What a great entertainer Betty White was forever…so it’s appropriate that she gets a “forever” stamp.
She once told David Letterman, “Get 8 hours of sleep a night, 9 if you’re ugly.”
Men Busted Trying To Launch Meth, Tobacco Over Federal Prison Walls With Compressed Air Cannon. (Don’t ask me how inmates got their hands on one…no idea)
64 for a high today in Panama City with some light rain at times. But the view is beautiful outside the windows here on the beach. Toes in the sand.
Have a great Monday!
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