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Thanksgiving Eve Writing...Cheapskate Christmas...Happy Thanksgiving


Thursday November 28, 2024


Thursday…and a blessed Happy Thanksgiving to us all. 46 with some sun here in Nashville on Turkey Day.



I wrote with my buddy with the Australian accent Angus Gill. Though he’s moved here permanently…I don’t expect to hear him talking with a southern accent anytime soon.


Angus is young and extremely talented…and he’s always in touch with all the latest tech and gizmos. Yesterday I got familiar with Chatgpt and AI generated music that he’s more than comfortable with. I realized again I’m behind the curve in that arena. Hard to catch up.


The two of us rewrote a song we’d written a few weeks ago and made it stronger…with some help from ChatGPT for the first time…for me.


I also met Blue Foley who’s a veteran songwriter here in Nashville with multiple cuts by artist Ashley McBryde. Blue let Angus move into part of a home he owns here. I also found out that Blue is partnered up with a fan of songwriters overseas and the two of them put together songwriter festivals under the banner of Nashville Nights.  So far Denmark…which is coming up in September…and Iceland in February I believe. And yes, I did stick my hand in the air and say, “pick me, pick me”!  We’ll see what happens.



Fun day yesterday with those two.



Uh…don’t go into a grocery store over the holidays. I had to stop and pick up a dessert for our Thanksgiving feast later today and it seemed as if all of Nashville was trying to do the same in the same grocery store I was in. The good news is…nobody got hurt…and I got out with a lemon pie.


However, I think I am ready for these “smart” grocery carts where you can scan, bag, and ring out without waiting to go through a check-out line. If I’m lucky, maybe my friend Angus Gill will show me how to operate one.



Well, since I mentioned by buddy Angus…let’s make this funny Christmas tune that Angus and I wrote our “Song of the Day”. This is from a crazy idea Angus had “Cheapskate Christmas”. Pretty funny yuletide song.



It was great seeing the song “God Never Made A Mountain” that I wrote with Andrea Pearson and Josh Shilling make it up to the #3 spot on this bluegrass-gospel chart yesterday sung by Kristy Cox. And thank you to David Pugh for loving our song of inspiration so much.



According to a new study, something called a “Yoga Pill” could one day stop anxiety attacks by targeting a specific area of the brain. 

A clinical trial reveal twice-yearly injection  reduces risk of HIV infection by 96%.

Alcohol use increased during the COVID-19 pandemic and a new study says it’s still high.




They say we have already spent a billion dollars on Christmas shopping BEFORE the Black Friday sales and fights starting tomorrow. Electronics have jumped 11.4% over last year. That’s a lot of new big screen TV’s to watch Thanksgiving football today.



Christmas trees are going up big time now. Not everyone should be in charge of decorating the tree.


And the Christmas movie season has arrived as well. USA Today just chose their “Top Christmas Movies of All Time.”


Here’s their Top 10 Choices.


10 Christmas Carol


9   The Apartment (starring Shirley MacLaine & Jack Lemon back in 1960…that I never saw)


8  The Holdovers (with Paul Giamatti in the lead)


7  Die Hard


6  National Lampoon’s Christmas


5  Miracle on 34th Street


4  Love Actually


3  Elf


2  It’s A Wonderful Life


And their number on Christmas movie?


“Scrooged”...with Bill Murray.


Some really unusual choices in that list. I’m betting you’re Top 10 would look much different…mine would. White Christmas, Polar Express, the animated version of Christmas Carol, The Bishop’s Wife with David Niven, and the Charlie Brown Christmas Special would all make my list.




Just saying. Until I see Kris Kringle coming down the slopes on his electric shaver…it just ain’t Christmas.



Federal Agents Raid Gun Shop, Find Weapons.” (Gosh…what are the odds?)



My wife and I will celebrate Thanksgiving around a table with dear friends and count our many blessings. We’ll be missing our daughter and son in law who are overseas with our military as are thousands of others missing this holiday with their families here in the states. God Bless our troops and thank you!

Here’s hoping my friends, family, extended family and you have a blessed Thanksgiving as well.


Have a great Turkey Day!


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