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A Monte Cristo...A Trop Rock Show...An Upside Down Weenie


Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Tuesday is rolling in. We had some rain yesterday, more coming today with a high of 82.



I wrote with Alex Miller again yesterday…tore into a “country” song idea Alex brought with him in his back pocket that turned out to be something fun to chase in the writing room. The former American Idol kid is staying busy with dates back home in Kentucky and up in Ohio this weekend.

He’s been in studio some as well and will be releasing a couple of new singles before the first of the year, one being a VERY fun country duet with “Voice” star Emily Ann Roberts that the 3 of us wrote one day that really shows off both of their fun and “country” personalities. Can’t wait for that to come up out.



After we finished we grabbed lunch at a close local diner, the Music City Cafe that draws a lot of locals as well as a lot of country stars through the years. I had a “Monte Cristo” for the first time. Ham, cheese, turkey between two pieces of French toast with powdered sugar sprinkled on top with a raspberry sauce that you dip your sandwich into. Where have I been all my life?! A new favorite for me thanks to Alex’s suggestion.


So yesterday I got a full song and a full belly with Alex.



A reminder. A week from this Friday I’ll be in Huntsville, Alabama for the Jim Parker Songwriter Series. Show time is 6:30 pm August 2nd at the beautiful VBC Playhouse Theater there. Dinner before the show…and this show will feature some Trop Rock music. Jim Parker, Darrell Clanton and Brooke Graham will be on the stage with me that evening…and we’ll be having fun for sure. Come join us if you can. More info is HERE.



I did watch the CBS special on Bob Newhart last night who we lost a few days ago. Worth watching for sure if you were a fan at all. How in the world did he go from being an accountant to a comedian?  Watch and you’ll find out. The special pointed out correctly that Bob was one of those who didn’t have to say a word and you just laughed. And he talked more than once about what a thrill it was to be able to make people laugh…which is why he insisted on having a “live” audience during his TV shows instead of using canned laughter.


The special also shows the viewer over and over and over again what a nice guy Bob Newhart was…beloved by so many.


I’m no Bob Newhart…that’s for sure. But I could not agree with him more about what fun it is to be able to make people laugh. That never gets old for me. 




Experts say that dogs can smell human stress and that it affects their own behavior.


Health folks out in Colorado are saying the bird flu cases there show how extreme heat may be complicating efforts to control the virus.


Yet another study is suggesting that eating dried fruits is linked to lower type 2 diabetes risk.






A new study lists the best places for women to live when looking for gender equality. Those top states are California, Massachusetts, and Maine.


The worst states? Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.



Consider this before moving to New York City. New Yorkers pay 164% more for rent than anywhere else in the entire country. Geez. But…the rats are free so you’ve got that going for you.



Surely Lorne Michaels at “Saturday Night Live” must be on the phone with Maya Rudolph trying to get her to be on the show more often in light of the news that Kamala Harris is the likely Democratic nominee for President.


If you’ve not seen her portrayal of Kamla…watch THIS.



Well, here’s something you don’t see every day.


The Weinermobile on its side in Chicago. The Weenie driver is fine. Officials suspect there may have been a mustard spill on the interstate. Stay tuned.



The $5 meal at McDonald’s has brought in enough new customers that Mickey D’s has announced the offer will continue through August. Hey, it is not a Monte Cristo sandwich, but it’s a pretty good deal. 




Detroit’s Giant Slide Is Back. There Will Probably Be Fewer Bruises This Time. (PROBABLY being the operative word here. And one can only imagine what part of the body sustains the most bruises)



This afternoon I’m back in a writing room with Lauren Mascitti and Kristen Leigh Bearfield. This little trio has had a little luck lately with two songs we’ve written together being recorded.



“Where You’ll Find Me” by Darin & Brooke Aldridge and “Come Back To Me” by Three Times A Lady.


So we’re hoping we can find some of that kind of magic again today together.


Have a great Tuesday!


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