BILL BLOG Tuesday February 4, 2025 Tuesday morning with cloudy skies and a high of 60 in Nashville today. It was like spring done sprung yesterday with sunshine and temps in the mid 70’s. Beautiful. YESTERDAY I wound up having a lazy day when my co-writer Andrea Pearson had to cancel because of strep throat, which is zero fun. So I’m hoping she’s healing a little today. I spent the rest of the day dealing with computer issues as my laptop has crashed and burned which is why this morning’s Blog is being posted later than normal. I’m hoping the computer God’s will have mine fixed sometime today. Amazing how you feel like your entire life revolves around a danged computer. LAST NIGHT I participated in a little house concert in town hosted by Ginny Foley who’s a friend and true lover of original music. She does everything she can to promote that and hosts songwriters in her home several times a year. Last night I was there wit...