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Showing posts from September, 2024

Race Track Singing...More Texas Ahead...Film Winner

BILL BLOG Monday September 16, 2024   Hello from Nashville this Monday morning. Good to be home. Sunshine and a high of 88 today in Music City. Meanwhile California is bracing for as much as 20 inches of rain from a tropical storm on the way out on the west coast. And…another tropical storm is on the way out in the Atlantic that could affect the Carolinas.   Kind of happy to be in Nashville to tell you the truth.   THE WEEKEND After a great Thursday show in Lufkin, Texas with Linda Davis and Lang Scott at the Pines Theater our little “Evening in the Round” trio made a little stop at an assisted living facility in Lufkin, Texas where we’d been invited by some of the folks that caught our show Thursday night.   We were happy to stop by and serenade some of those wonderful folks, some who came the night before and saw our show at the Pines Theater.  You can imagine how well my song “ Retired” was received by this gathering we had. Linda was so graci

Tia's Place...Great Show in Lufkin...Tuba Encounter

BILL BLOG Friday September 13, 2024 Friday morning arises here in Lufkin, Texas. And the heat here in east Texas will rise as well with a high of 94 on the way.   YESTERDAY Linda Davis , Lang Scott and I had a great lunch in Lufkin at this place.   Some of the tin on this building came from Linda’s great grandfather’s house which is really cool. Linda grew up in Carthage which is not far away.   We love to find “local” type places to eat when we’re on the road instead of national chains. Tia’s has some locations scattered across Texas but it’s not a national chain. The food is great!   And you simply can’t beat a restaurant in Texas that has a picture of the King hanging on its wall.   LAST NIGHTS SHOW I don’t even know where to star about last night’s show at the beautiful Pines Theater.   Everything was first class. From the load in, to the sound (thank you Mark) to the wonderful staff, catering, volunteers and the great crowd of mu

Texas Show Tonight...Francene...Baby Boomers

BILL BLOG Thursday September 12, 2024   And a good Thursday morning to you from Lufkin, Texas. It will be 81 and cloud here in east Texas today.   YESTERDAY I jumped in the van with my friends Linda Davis and Lang Scott and made the long trip to east Texas where tonight we’ll have an “ Evening in the Round ” show here in Lufkin, TX at the Pines Theater.   We left at 7:30 AM and hit our hotel rooms at about 8 pm last night. Traffic accident, and some rain from Hurricane Francene slowed us down a little. The hurricane came onshore in Louisiana as a Category 2 and we drove through some of wet after effect to get to Texas.   Long road trips don’t feel so long when you’re traveling with great friends and that was the case yesterday. We stopped at one of our favorite burger places that’s located in Benton, Arkansas…the Burger Shack.     Old school kind of place with great burgers, shakes, fries and more and the restaurant uses no computers. Old scho

9/11 Anniversary...Road Trip To Texas..."Crickets"...

BILL BLOG Wednesday September 11, 2024   Hump Day Wednesday. Ready to load up and head to Texas.   And today is 9/11. May we never ever forget. I was on the radio that morning on WSM-FM inside the Opryland Hotel. And I will never forget being on the air from 5:30 that morning until about 8 pm that evening trying to make sense of what had just happened like millions of other Americans that day. I remember watching the TV in the back of the studio while my microphone was “hot”. And when the second plane hit the second tower I remember saying “we’re at war”.    I put part of that experience that morning in a song I would later write “ Face ForRadio ”.   YESTERDAY I wrote with Jenny Tolman and Dave Brainard yesterday alongside their now almost two year old son Bear. Man do kids grow in a hurry!   Jenny has a couple of exciting things happening in her career. One I can’t mention, but the one I can mention is her festival that she heads in Jackson Hole,