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Showing posts from June, 2024

Writing With Jimmy Fortune...A #1 Album...Beach Dates

BILL BLOG Tuesday June 25, 2024  Tuesday morning with more of that hot stuff on the way. Sunny and 95 in Music City USA today.   YESTERDAY I got to sit with the great Jimmy Fortune and write a new song yesterday and we had a chance to visit and catch up as it’s been a bit. Jimmy and his wife Nina just got back from a tour of Italy so we compared notes as both of us had been to some of the same places there. Like Pisa.   And he and Nina and a mutual friend Mike Rogers and his wife are getting ready to go to Ireland in September to help celebrate Mike and his wife’s anniversary. And while they are over on the beautiful Emerald Isle they’re going to play 5 shows together and that should be very special. So Jimmy and Nina picked my brains about places to see over there since they knew our daughter was married in Ireland.   Mike is the tenor singer in Jimmy’s great quartet “ Brothers of the Heart ” with Ben Isaacs and Bradley Walker . If you’re not familiar

Back Stage Nashville...Hall of Fame Show...Best Places To Live

BILL BLOG Monday June 24, 2024   Monday has rolled around again and it will we plenty warm with a high of 92.   THE WEEKEND Friday I wrote with the husband and wife duet Adam & Amy Pope . It had been a bit as Adam had been out on a 3 month tour playing in a J ohnny Cash show that went all over the country. But he’s back home now and he and Amy will start doing more shows together over the next few months.        Adam brought in a true duet song idea with a really great melody that I helped him and Amy finish up. Pretty sure that will end up on their pile of songs that the consider next time they go back into the studio with our mutual friend Darin Aldridge producing them.   Always good to spend time with the two of them and create something together.   SATURDAY I hosted some kind of great songwriter show that started at noon Saturday at the club 3 rd & Lindsley in Nashville. The show is Backstage Nashville and it’s been going on for 8 an

Home Again...Historic Baseball...Show Tomorrow In Nashville

BILL BLOG Friday June 21, 2024 Friday morning and I’m back home in warm Nashville. 91 with sun today and up to almost triple digits in about 3 days.   WHAT DAY IS IT? Traveling on the road sometimes messes up your timing. I thought yesterday was Wednesday and you may have noticed that on yesterday’s blog. And I would have sworn that today was Thursday and that I had a day off. But no. It do be Friday all day long. Geez.   YESTERDAY Our songwriter group got back into Nashville about 5 pm after a great Freedom Sings USA retreat in Heyworth, Illinois. The conversation in the car was about how great those two days had been, how great the folks were in that wonderful small town, and how great our veterans were that we worked with. I certainly enjoyed getting to know mine Marc Rogers .   If you’re one of those that worries about where our country is going, I encourage you to make a little trip to Heyworth sometime. You’ll feel better about that worry if y

"Armadillo" Vet Song...Small Town Sign...An Opry Appearance

BILL BLOG Thursday June 20, 2024   Wednesday morning with a return trip to Nashville this morning from Heyworth, Illinois. 93 degrees here today.     YESTERDAY At 9 AM after breakfast at the American Legion here in Heyworth I was   assigned a veteran to write with. Marc Rogers served as a Navy Corpsman in Viet Nam and he told me his story.   Really nice man, and he had asked for me specifically to write his story because he had found some of my funny songs online and apparently liked the sense of humor. It worked out great as Marc has a great sense of humor as well AND he loves bluegrass music. And I write a lot of bluegrass songs.   So somewhere in the middle of his story of helping to deliver babies out in the open, to patching up our own soldiers from bar fights on leave, to helping save over 1,000 lives in Viet Nam he told me that they nicknamed him “ Armadillo ”. And that became the title of the song.   Here are the lyrics to the chorus   The thin